The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2707482
Posted By: Jamming With Ollie Beak (inactive)
24-Aug-09 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
You're a snob, WAV, as snob as only a colonial can be. I've seen it before, someone trying to be more English than the English themselves.

Listen sunshine, and listen well, I for one couldn't give a rat's rear end about what qualifications you've got nor from whence they came, I couldn't care less how many countries you've visited (as opposed to actual explored, but that's another question for another day), sports, been there done that, ad ohhh look...plying the disabled card are we and how we triumphed over late mother was in a wheelchair (a paraplegic) for most of her life, and she and we travelled, we played sports, and , you know what, she never had to justify what she did or didn't do because of or in spite of being in a wheelchair. I can't be bothered addressing the rest of your outrageous posting so I'll simply say this...

YOU are not, in anyway, special, so get over yourself!

Charlotte Olivia Roberstson (Ms)