The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122558   Message #2707846
Posted By: Donuel
25-Aug-09 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
Subject: RE: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
Little Hawk feels that playing the public off one another with fear is a divide and conquer strategy. He asks how great it would be if we both dropped our fears.

Perhaps we all need a fearless day proclamation.

But in the meantime the right wing is playing hardball and urging people to violently overthrow the goverment and pointing out that the best way to do that is to strike at the heart of the national socialism that has taken over the United States.

The right feels as though their militia and reverence toward the use of their guns makes them proud right wing terrorists...
IN FACT a man stood up at a town hall meeting in PA yesterday in front of Republican Congressman Hesh and shouted "I am a proud right wing terrorist" and the Congressmen quickly repoid "Now there is a proud and brave American!" followed by other remarks of admiration.

Suppose a man in Arab garb said the exact same thing. Suppose Arab dressed men carrying guns outside town hall meetings would also be an expression of freedom?

These are dangerous times made more dangerous by shouting kill Hitler in a "crowded theater".

The game of terrorizing politicians with these antics is orchestrated and prescribed by Dick Morris, Congressmen and Clear Channel jocks. Playing with fire over health care is ironic don't you think?????? Especially in a country as sick as America is right now. I say sick because there are now counter voices to the chanting for death.   
Where is COlin Powell
Where is Oprah"
Where is today's Walter Chronkite to tell people what they need to know instead of what they want to know?

Keith Oberman pointed out that Glen Beck often sounds exactly like a Iranian Mullah when he evokes God to take back the country with every thing you have. "The most important thing you will ever do in your life is to take your country back in God's name so save liberty and democracy for your children! What in God's name is more important than that?"

While the kettle is calling the frying pan "black" or a "socialist fascist tyrant" the administration has kept its cool wonderfully.
Keep it up. Even if you have to keep secret the fact that there are 5 times more threats intercepted by the Secret Service as well as actual crazies who take a shot. Such reporting inspires copy cats and emboldens cowards who no self worth.