The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122999   Message #2707890
Posted By: s&r
25-Aug-09 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: 1008 ukuleles at the Albert Hall
Subject: RE: 1008 ukuleles at the Albert Hall
WAV - about 90% of the posters on Mudcat are skilled musicians, musical technicians, teachers of music, musical historians. Many of them are formally qualified to a high level. Many are qualified to an equal or higher level by their own studies and researches.

These are the people who have taken you to task for some years now in an attempt to correct your mistaken ideas, as part of your education, and to disassociate Mudcat from your unschooled and unresearched ramblings (reading Wikipedia and listening to BBC radio don't count).

Apart from the friendship and social aspects of Mudcat this has become an international forum of things musical. Your postings are as irritating as graffiti in the Tate gallery or notes written all over the Library copy of the reference book.

Many people have extended a friendly helping hand to you, as to any newcomer. Sadly, you don't take advantage of this.

In your head you're a nice guy, well read, intelligent, fair minded, humanitarian, knowledgeable, artistic, musical etc. It should disturb you that either your ideas are so wrong as to require constant rebuttal and correction, or that your communication skills are inadequate to convey your ideas to the rest of us.

I live in hope
