The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23976   Message #270819
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
03-Aug-00 - 01:12 AM
Thread Name: Lammas
Subject: RE: Lammas
Gervase, barley is a foreign crop - wheat is the traditional one, and if you think about it, we've had some strange weather recently. April was boiling hot for a lot of it and in May it pissed down. Plus the seed we plant now has been treated to make it more resistant to damp enduced fungus and rot so it is plantable in winter/early spring making a much earlier crop. When there was no modified or treated seed, we had to do it natures' way, and thus we had the first crops at Petertide.

Sorry, but I'm sober now..... and it really is 6.15am, you were right yesterday, I am an insomniac. Now I'm going to work.