The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2708250
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
25-Aug-09 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
The only problem was, I, at 43, was probably the youngest singer there - because this aspect of our cultural heritage is no longer given a fair go at our schools, etc. (and, by employing those who KNOW, that's where I'd focus).

At Durham you'll find a lot of very fine old singers who haven't been singing very long actually, largely thanks to Folkworks etc. They don't play instruments because they're not musicians! This has nothing to do with Tradition - so don't be fooled. I'm invariably a decade or more younger than any of them, but when it comes to Traditional Song I am a veritable veteran in their midst. This is the Second-Life Wave of New Folkies - fine singers all & long may they thrive!

So - nothing to do with any shortcomings in schools & education; the fact is that Traditional English Folk Song is healthier now than it ever has been. Celebrate this fact, WAV - don't think it should be otherwise because that way lies Cultural Fascism. FOLK is NOT our Cultural Heritage - it is a MINORITY REVIVALIST HOBBY. In the KNOW? Bollocks! Folk is down to the individuals who do it & love it & enjoy it for what it is.