The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122067   Message #2708387
Posted By: elfcape
25-Aug-09 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: The Idiot's Guide to Facebook
Subject: RE: The Idiot's Guide to Facebook
Scammers - been there 8 months and haven't met any yet.

Videos? If they're your own, go to your profile page and click on the >> or the +, choose Video, then the resulting page with give you the opportunity to navigate to the location of the video on your own computer.

If it's a youtube vid you want to link to your Facebook space, go to youtube and use the "Share" link under the video to send the url of the video to your Facebook space, or click in the space to the left of the url for the specific video page which will highlight the url for the video. Then copy it to your clipboard, go back to Facebook and insert the link into your "what's on your mind" field.

Don't play any games or accept any gifts that you don't want. If you get plagued with "I played this game/contest/whatever announcements from your friends, you can eliminate those postings by moving the cursor over the upper right corner of the friend's message until the Hide button appears. Then click on it and choose whether to hide postings from the friend, or simply hide further comments from the game.