The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121955   Message #2708436
Posted By: Richard Bridge
25-Aug-09 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: Knockholt Forever Autumn
Subject: RE: Knockholt Forever Autumn
I have been trying to get a sense of what we have planned, above, about food.

Pete wants to cook on Saturday.

Is there also a feast on Thursday?

I will bring LEG OF LAMB. I can tagine it Thurs or Sat.

I can also tagine SAT if desired - other meats seem to be decided on, so I opt to do PORK and apricot tagine.

Pete, you were going to get Lamb (now not necessary) beef and chicken. Can you now rather than Lamb please get Pork for me to tagine? Belly pork will be fine.

I will chase Blossom for wine for marinades, and provide coolboxes and ice blocks for lengthy marinading, and provide harissa paste, dried apricots, and ginger, and tagine spices.

There are TWO volunteers for chicken bricks - Crow Sister and Lady Raffles. I think they will bring thier own chickens.

So, Pete, the only meat you need to buy will be the beef and pork and I will split the cost with you.

Table of volunters: -

PlC - Bread (but not on Saturday, pub calling) including herb breads). Herbs of many kinds. Some spices. Finger peppers. Roasting Beef and Lamb marinaded on Sat. Pavlova.

VT - unspiced beef, Veg (spuds, carrots, parsnips and onyums) but not courgettes or aubergines. VT special Waldorf salad. Maybe devilled eggs. Banananananana bread.

RB - Harissa paste, Old Lamb, ginger, cheap wine, dried apricots, red onions, black olives (or maybe queen olives stuffed with garlic) courgettes aubergines. Tagine of Pork Thurs or Sat, not proud. I will use (and provide FRESH not preserved citrus - not sure what breed of citrus yet). Shall I be custard king for Essex Girl's apple crumble, or is there another volunteer?

CS - Chicken brick. Flat-breads (has anyone got a thick smoot flat metal plate?) Veggie tagine (which day?)

Lady Raffles - Another chicken brick, bread rolls - maybe rice if enough burners can be lit! Raffles special chocolate banananananas.

Naughty 40 - Chickpeas and lentils (soaked and softened as necessary please) for thickening tagine(s). Cous-cous. Millet? Puddings - including chocolate caramel shortbread

JB - Saffron

Essex girl - tomatoes (I can put some in the tagine in stead of tinned ones, nice!) runner beans. Apple Crumble.

Is there a volunteer to bring sweet potatoes fo rthe tagine(s)?

Ye gods it has taken ages to try to collate that.