The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24006   Message #270854
Posted By: Callie
03-Aug-00 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat theatrical call board:
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat theatrical call board:
I ran a young people's theatre for 5 years. I loved it, and/but it nearly killed me!

I like the kind of theatre that has something to say. Our theatre was very community based - brought young people's concerns to audiences. There were some wonderful productions, and I met some complete nutcases!

The mainstream theatres treated us with some scorn, and I guess it was vice versa! Our state theatre company has a full subscription series but produces a lot of crap.

I don't enjoy acting myself. i prefer to create opportunities for other people to do it. I don't have any actors in my circle of friends, but it's mainly a philosophical divide rather than a personal dislike.