The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33837   Message #2709782
Posted By: SPB-Cooperator
27-Aug-09 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: Help: Amway Corporation
Subject: RE: Help: Amway Corporation
I lost a major client to Amway who went from having a £5,000+ per month turnover, and rather than continuing to promote his business, put all hos energy into Amway... in one month earning £17.

I went to an Amway recruiting session and my jaw dropped. The sales pitch wasn't far short of psychological bullying - my feedback was just one word evangelic.

What Amway fails to mention is that turnover is related to the extent of the sales person's social network, and if that network is converted to salespeople instead of customers, then once the overlaps are accounted for, there isn't that much more potential to earn.

I have a very simple get-out mind-set.

Imagine that the entire population est 60 million become sales people, and 10% of the population buy on average 1 product/month? Hopw much does each sales person earn on average? And conversely, if they are not among the very very few at the top of the pyramid, how much more could they have earned putting their energy into their own viable innovative business idea?

You might gather I am not a fan of Amway, they cost me £4,000 a year.