The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33837   Message #2709826
Posted By: Maryrrf
27-Aug-09 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: Help: Amway Corporation
Subject: RE: Help: Amway Corporation
I attended (unknowingly) an Amway meeting years ago at the invitation of a colleague. It was like an evangelical 'revival' meeting and every tactic in the book was used to persuade the attendees to sign up, including intimidation, enticements (speaker flashing diamond rings, wearing expensive suit, talking about his yacht, etc.- "Why would anyone be so stupid as to NOT want this opportunity???"). It was presented as an opportunity to make money without doing anything - once you get sales reps working under you you just sit back and collect a percentage of their sales... I was disgusted and simply told the person who had 'invited' us that if I'd know it was Amway I'd never have attended the meeting.

I've known some people who made money from Amway but they were not afraid to be obnoxious and intrusive, they worked at it all the time, including buttonholing people in fast food restaurants, elevators, etc. and trying to suck them in to the scheme, and they were obsessed about it and relentless. I know more people who signed up and got burned.

Not a reputable organization, in my opinion.