The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23855   Message #271035
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Aug-00 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: Help: US and Cuba
Subject: RE: Help: US and Cuba
I lived in the USA for 10 years, in New York State, between the ages of 10 and 20. As a Canadian in a foreign land I had an opportunity to make comparisons. The USA's claim to be the world's freest society and the world's most just society is nothing more than a grand illusion perpetrated by an avalanche of misleading propaganda and jingoism of the most extraordinary and offensive sort. This is plainly obvious to pretty well everyone who wasn't born an American. It's not obvious to Americans because their media doesn't tell them anything about the real alternatives which exist elsewhere.

Is the USA relatively free? Yes. Relatively democratic? Yes. So are a host of other places, such as Canada, most of Europe, Australia, and quite a few small countries here and there in other parts of the world. Most of these other places do not subject their public to quite the same degree of social brainwashing (illusions of complete cultural superiority and a right to police and dominate the rest of the world) as I experienced firsthand in the USA, via the media and the school system. My schoolmates were fooled by this crap. I wasn't. Virtually the entire German population was fooled by this sort of crap in the 30's and 40's, as you may recall...and see where it got them. Don't imagine that they didn't believe they were on the side of Truth, Freedom and Justice for All. They believed it. They were saving the world from Jews and Communists, so they said. Sound familiar?

There are a number of crucial and basic social services that are denied the American population (such as free universal medical coverage), yet are totally available in countries such as Canada, Sweden, or Cuba, to name just a few. To not provide free medical treatment to a population in this day and age is little short of barbaric, and it is very damaging to the social fabric of a country. If you can afford to build 10 times more atomic bombs than are needed to extinguish life on this planet, you can afford to provide free medical care!

Another thing that Cuba provides is free education right to the end of University. This should be done in all countries.

Where does democracy begin and where does it end? All countries have certain injustices and blind spots, all countries fall short of the mark in some way.

The "my country right or wrong" kind of thinking has caused millions and millions of people to die in totally unnecessary and insane wars. The USA is a good country in many ways, and yet it has many serious flaws and injustices. It is not the best country. There is no "best" country.

Just because the USA is better and freer than the hideous dictatorships that it funds and supports in the 3rd world, does not mean that the USA is heaven on Earth.

The USA can be a great place to live...or it can be hell. That depends on just where you are...and how much money you have in your pocket. Canada can be a great place to live (or it can be hell), and so can Cuba...either way.

I suggest everybody abandon this "Best" country philosophy. A little humility goes a long way.