The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23994   Message #271067
Posted By: SINSULL
03-Aug-00 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: Can you help with this session?
Subject: RE: Can you help with this session?
I am new to Mudcat but have heard this tale told numerous times before. Another aspect of the change here is the doubling of posts per month to the site - see "Why Is Mudcat So Slow?" I am a little surprised and maybe even disturbed by how this thread is being avoided. Is it a "non-problem" or a temporary glitch? I remember when Baryshnikov became a movie star and the theaters were filled with screaming little teenage groupies. Many of us "regulars" sat out the ballet season for a year but benefitted later from the huge amounts of money that came rolling in for a year or two.
What do you want to happen here? Or what do you think the people who are now dissatisfied want? (assuming you are willing to speak for them). I would think that Jeri has the right idea. Fill the threads with music posts and responses to music posts. Or is it something more? Do some old timers feel (probably rightly so) that their hard work is going unrecognized and their positions are being usurped by less qualified but popular individuals? Or worse yet, individuals who are able to donate more money and buy their way in?

None of my questions are meant as criticism or to provoke. I am grateful for the people who have made Mudcat possible. If I am offending anyone with my post I apologize in advance. That is not my intention. What do we do to make it right assuming it is wrong?