The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121677   Message #2711435
Posted By: 3refs
29-Aug-09 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
Well, the Leafs now have a defence and I suspect that crossing their blueline won't be the pleasant experience it's been in the past.

They've picked up a goalie who's referred to as "The Monster".

They've also given a tryout to a guy who couldn't play 4 years ago. They use a calendar to time him, not a stop watch! Wonder what has changed?

I'd love to see them give Theo Fleury a shot!(not in the head)

For being a Yank, Brian Burke knows hockey. Or is it just because Brian Burke says it with conviction, doesn't mean he knows a freakin thing! I'm not sure yet!