The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23183 Message #2711615
Posted By: GUEST,EDH Band, Eric P.
29-Aug-09 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: That Old Tattooed Lady
Subject: RE: That Old Tattooed Lady
Several of these lyrics are close to the way we sang THE SCOTCH TATOOED LADY in the late 1940s at U.C. Berleley. Note the time. this was in the late 1940s. We sang:
I'd give a bob to see, the Scotch Tatooed lady. She's covered from head to knee and quite a sight to see. Right up and down her spine is the King's own guardian line and right across her hips is a fleet of battle ships. Right over her kidney is a birds eye view of Sidney, but what I like best, right across her chest is my home in Tennessee. (alternately...."are the hills of Tennessee.")