The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2712160
Posted By: heric
30-Aug-09 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
When Obama said he can't get support for single payerI think he meant one huge government program to achieve universal access. The term single payer lives on in the debate, I think, out of confusion or an intent to confuse. I see the public option as a much smaller government backed / guaraneeted and government run safety net, even if they sbcontract out much of the operations.

Chances that a bill to free us from the yoke of employment based insurance would have huge opposition. The industry players (NOT the health care providers) shot it down before take-off, and now they are destroying the rest of "reform." If we're going to lay down and die without evem a push for this simple, efficient path to a sensible system, people should at least know that's what we're doing.

The current path to a multi-agency inefficient expansion of our current system underfunded by a trillion dollars or so and with no public option is a sad substitute for real reform.

Wyden-Bennett has "FEHBA For All," as its benefits package, with broad (huge) insurance pools and community rating, on standardized procedures for efficency, and at far better prices than what's forced on you by an employer's choice of plans. A LOT of paper-pushers will be forced to find new employment in productive pursuits. Almost all of the poor are subsidzied for the mandatory coverage, with some Medicaid / public option remaining as the safety net.

It is relatively simple and provides freedom. The voting public should be given the opportunity to reject it, rather than the industry lobbyists. People are always screaming that they want what federal employees (including Congress) get. Well, here it is.