The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123264   Message #2712189
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
30-Aug-09 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: kidnapped girl found after 18 years
Subject: RE: BS: kidnapped girl found after 18 years
This is so similar to that fellow in Austria who kept his own daughter in a basement apartment and fathered several children by her.

It doesn't take long to stray into realizing the monumental damage he did to these lives, when thinking about the existence this young woman and her two daughters experienced (she must have been 13 when he first impregnated her) and the vacuum that exists regarding their ability to think and function. What do they know of the world today? How, at these ages, do they successfully learn to read and write and have a "normal" social life?

It boggles the mind, and seems to me (as one opposed to the death penalty on general principle) that this might be an instance when it would be acceptable. For both of these individuals.