The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122415   Message #2712281
Posted By: jeddy
30-Aug-09 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti BNP Protests - Luton
Subject: RE: BS: Anti BNP Protests - Luton
ok, maybe i didn't express myself very well earlier . to be honest i am not sure i will this time either, but here goes.

what i meant was we should stop seeing the differences between everyone, like skin colour, disabilities, gay or straight blonde brunnette, stuff like that. none of these things matter, it is what is inside a persons heart that counts(and i don't mean having a pace maker).
we all have individual personalities and because of this i have learnt alot about myself.
if we all thought the same way about everything, we would never get to see things in a different light and we would stagnate.

do you know what i mean? maybe if i haven't made it clear by now, i should stop digging?

take care all

jade x x x x x