The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108718   Message #2712357
Posted By: robomatic
30-Aug-09 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
Subject: RE: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
Saw "District 9" last night. Sort of social Science Fiction. Like most sci-fi of its ilk, it is not necessarily coherent as either (Science or Fiction) but I felt entertained, and there was a lot of action, and I found the effects pretty good. The set-up was interesting, that a large number of aliens (as in from another planet) arrive unannounced, need a place to stay, and accrue resentment from the locals, who ignore aliens their ways and their technologies at their peril.

In theme, this one was reminiscent to "Alienation" which I can't recall in enough detail to be useful. All I think of in "Alienation" is 'Mandy Patinkin in a rubber suit'.

Peter Jackson was behind the effort, the actors were by and large not 'names'.

It was good not great, well acted, well filmed, and way better than such films as "Independence Day" and the Spielberg effort "War Of The Worlds". This is not high praise as those flicks sucked for story.

As a movie with a story to tell, I much preferred "Cloverfield" which gave a genuine new spin to the Godzilla/ King Kong theme.