The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2712602
Posted By: Riginslinger
30-Aug-09 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
Here are some problems:
1. The Democrats won't allow any limit on malpractice awards, and malpractice insurance payments drive costs up dramatically.
2. There is no guarantee that illegal aliens won't eventually be covered under a federal plan. Previous posters call that "small potatoes," but Obama wants to introduce a program to allow illegals a "path to citizenship." We did this in 1986 with three million illegals at the time. That caused the numbers to jump to 20 million today, which means we could be looking at another 140 million in 2032. Congressman Heller offered an amendment in committee that would have prevented illegal aliens from accessing the system, and the committe voted it down, so the tax payers have every reason to conclude that the Democrats intend to make political hay out of insuring illegals for votes.
3. This is a question: Do any of the plans provide educational opportunities for young people to follow the medical profession? In the past, the AMA has tried to control the number of students entering medical school--these opportunities should include nurses and nurse-practioners.