The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23855   Message #271282
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
03-Aug-00 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: Help: US and Cuba
Subject: RE: Help: US and Cuba
It seems that for the DougR's of this world, like the "loadsamoney" louts spawned in Thatcher's Britain, self-interest is the only yardstick. No wonder DougR is happy, then, wallowing in a lifestyle subsidised to the hilt by the blatant exploitation of third-world, southern-hemisphere countries in which people work damned hard for bugger-all. The same people who are treated like they had leprosy when - for the sake of their kids - they try to migrate to the affluent countries such as the one DougR was lucky enough to be born in, and to which his own folks presumably migrated.

I had hoped DougR would have the humility to see that he inherited his privileges, and in no sense earned them. But I guess he doesn't know the meaning of the word. I just wish he could have swapped places - and skins - at birth with some black kid born into poverty in the states, so we could have seen how long he stayed free in that wonderfully free country of his.

We already knew that he's never been to Cuba, From his suggestion that America is the most free place on earth, we now know that he's not been to Sweden, the Netherlands, and lots of other places.

At least in recent threads he's been shamed into harping on about his opposition to the sanctions. Trouble is, as he admitted earlier, he'd have thought they were fine if they'd ever looked like working. I'm amazed to find someone with this mentality in a folk-blues community.