The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4825   Message #27132
Posted By: Leprechaun
03-May-98 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: Cop Killer IS objectionable
Subject: RE: Cop Killer IS objectionable
I love this site. And I agree with you, Frank i.t.s., about cops being excluded from some social perspectives. And some cops are bullies, and some cops are racists. As a cop, it takes a conscious effort to stay in touch with the feelings of people outside the cop culture. That's easier for a cop like me in a medium or small town than it is for a cop in a war zone like East L.A. In some places it's almost impossible not to feel like you're surrounded by the enemy, especially in undercover assignments. But cop culture is changing. There's a big move afoot nationally to get cops more in touch with the people they serve. You mention cruisers. The most fun I've had as a cop is when I rode a police bicycle. It's also when I've felt the most vulnerable. But most of the people who met me loved the idea of a cop on a bike. The good guys could see me smiling, and the bad guys couldn't see me coming. (Woody Guthrie wrote: Never trust a smiling cop.)

As for this discussion, I guess I have to come down in opposition to government censorship. I trust most people who are not criminally inclined will see through the hate-lyrics, and understand the cunning behind this "art." The people who spew that kind of filth marginalize themselves, because they have a perverse desire to be marginalized. It frightens me that too many people are naive enough to attribute "Cop-Killer" to a legitimate expression of frustration and rage. But by all means, put it out there for all the world to see. Most people won't be fooled.