The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2713355
Posted By: heric
31-Aug-09 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
If I have that about right (never mind the funding questions - $2 billion into a pot then find the rest from Medicare "waste" and tax the rich only and, well yeah premiums but still underfunded by $1 trillion over ten years):

Now might be a good time to go back and look at the beautiful simplicity if the Wyden-Bennet legislation or its 19 page it's description of the entire proposed legislation translated into plain English.

Everyone is entitled to participate in it (including federal employees and Congress), but they needn't bother if they have Medicare (or VA), and Medicaid will be modified to become its safety net.

Everyone in a state pays the same amount for the FEHBA-analogous benefits package, free or subsidized up to 400% of poverty, and if your coworkers and employer agree you want to go with employer-provided insurance - you can. And of you want to buy Cadillac insurance (after you have paid for and bought into the statewide pool) you go right ahead.

Obama says it's 90% right, but too "radical" to pass. What he means is your employer, the insurers, the employee benefits sub-industries, and the provider industry and the pharma and biomedical device industries don't want it.