The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121955   Message #2713372
Posted By: Lady Raffles
31-Aug-09 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: Knockholt Forever Autumn
Subject: RE: Knockholt Forever Autumn
Dear All,

Myself and Sue have been away for the weekend and returned home to see the interesting threads re Knockholt. Oh how the expectation from previous times have changed!

This "get together" was started about 20 years ago by a few people - Anthony who is Sue's Brother, Sue and myself and it was essentially a family gathering that we gradually invited our folk friends to join. It has I feel always retained a happy and easy going sort of atmosphere and that is how it should continue. I don't agree with extreme right wing views, I don't agree with racism, in fact there are lots of things that I do not agree with.

Myself and Sue have put a lot of time and effort into Knockholt over the years and I still believe that the consensus of opinion is that politics and religion should be left at the gate. Sometimes a few spontaneous disagreements will erupt and it is normal that a group of adults will not always agree. I do however feel uncomfortable with any pre meditated desire to try and change the pattern and focus of a much loved bi- annual meeting.

So please, all are welcome but lets try and make it a worthwhile weekend where everyone can enjoy themselves.
