The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121955   Message #2713793
Posted By: GUEST,Roberta Woods
01-Sep-09 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: Knockholt Forever Autumn
Subject: RE: Knockholt Forever Autumn
In the absence of any concrete evidence (no names have been forthcoming),I am assuming that the hysteria being whipped up on this thread is aimed at myself and Ken. For my part, I have never knowingly mentioned any political allegiances at Knockholt, going there as I did to listen to the music, over-indulge and talk to other Folk Mobbers. I was blissfully unaware(till post-June), of the 'hatred' being posted on this site, masquerading as liberal outrage - there is something particularly distasteful in a lberal preaching intolerance. I have always loved listening to Richard, John and Royston play, so it now 'sticks in my craw',that these are the same gentlemen who are presumably outraged at my continuing presence at Knockholt. More disappointing still is the fact that newcomers like Crow Sister, Virginia Tam and Silent One now seek to turn this non-political event in a direction that it's founders never sought or wish it to go.. to be continued