The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123289   Message #2713956
Posted By: mg
01-Sep-09 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Controlling Diabetes
Subject: RE: BS: Controling Diabetes
Read up on Dr. Rob Thompson of his advice is for metabolic syndrome, not too awful type 2 diabetes...borderline, not too high.

But a level of 400 is a very serious situation. I never said don't see a doctor and I wouldn't say that. I will say that very many are very ignorant and can not see what is before their eyes, which if a person eats too many carbs, good, bad or indifferent, (carbs with calories..not vegetables with few sugars or starches) some of them will get overweight, which is a symptom of a diabetic process, not a risk factor as is commonly stated. It is not a cause of diabetes, it is part of the symtomatology of diabetes. If you are overweight consider that you are in the process of diabetes...and you might not be diagnosed for some time till you hit a magic number.

Get your insulin tested. Never ever let any doctor or anyone tell you that if you are diabetic you don't produce much insulin. You don't know if you don't test.

Read up on metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance and see the connections between insulin levels, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. Hint..some people could eat fat all day long and not get these problems and put them on a few carbs and wham they are diabetic with comorbidities. And I do mean a few. So you have to do your own research, if you are mildly elevated you have some time to research and experiment and test frequently with strips. It does not matter what Great Britain recommends or does not. You need to do this. You need to compare your blood sugar readings to your insulin level because that will tell you how damaged you are.

You will get this if you are genetically disposed, if you eat too many carbs, good bad etc., if you don't exercise it off, if you have too much stress and other factors. You won't get it if you are vigorous and what you eat conforms to your metabolic type, which in some regards depends on whether your ancestors were subjected to famines or not.

400 is very high. Camp out for a few nights if you have to and save up for a doctor visit. Cut out white flour and don't let anyone tell you you need it. Likewise juice, soda of any sort, trans fats. Go easy on fruits until this level is down way down. Don't be afraid of fats..they stabilize blood sugar. How much anyone needs of anything is very individual, but no one needs coke, white bread, doughnuts, etc.etc. mg