The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122558   Message #2715801
Posted By: Donuel
03-Sep-09 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
Subject: RE: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
"Keep your children home from school Friday. Obama will be indoctrinating them by TELEVISING Socialist Propoganda in the schools!"
"Bring your children to the 9-12 Tea Bag Party in Washinton DC,.. Take your country back by any means necessary before its too late.
I know you're just like me and demonstrating and standing up for the country we used to have is somthing new to you and kinda wierd, but be there just like all those patriots who are going to town hall meetings."

hey kids a snow day would be more fun than a tea party.

Beck has found bas relief artwork at Rockefeller Plaza that clearly shows a hammer and a sickel thus proving that Obama fascism is on the march.