The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123371   Message #2715898
Posted By: Amos
03-Sep-09 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: curling lip & smirking
Subject: RE: curling lip & smirking
It is interesting--you could similarly argue one should let the sea-songs do their own bellowing. That might be taking the principle too far, I suppose, but I was quite surprised the first time I heard the Pyrates Rpyale sing Rolling Down to Old Maui, a hearty sailor's song, in their beautiful but very feminine voices; what was surprising was how effective and evocative it was despite the unusual timbres. My opinion is that dramatizing a song is an art easily over-done and can be a distraction from the art of the song itself, as you imply. But I have never faulted throwing a good deal of energy into a song, in the delivery.