The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123358   Message #2716018
Posted By: bubblyrat
04-Sep-09 - 06:26 AM
Thread Name: Flag Poles at Festivals
Subject: RE: Flag Poles at Festivals
Sorry---digressing somewhat from the esteemed and colourful Monsieur Rouge's original thread matter;
      I readily encourage and enjoy the ambience,esprit-de-corps,pioneering spirit and general"roughing it a bit" feeling of your average Festival Campsite, but I have to say that I found the experience of being at Towersey for 7 days recently somewhat discomfitting. There are Health & Safety rules,for example,about the use of LPG in vehicles,and I assume that these also apply to LPG in tents ?? Well, everyone at Towersey ,in whatever sort of shelter,was packed in MUCH too close together for safety,and the H & S people and / or Fire Department would have had a field day.The guy -ropes of many tents presented a real hazard,both where tents almost overlapped each other in a haphazard jumble,and where some larger tents were actually guyed out onto designated footpaths : I saw many instances of this,and nearly got tripped up on several occasions in the dark.And yes,there were several selfish people with large,noisy flags oscillating wildly in the strong winds on less-than-safe-looking poles !Not to mention the dogs running free, DESPITE the rules to the contrary ! GRRRRRR !!
                Towersey is one huge accident just waiting to happen.