The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77631   Message #2716604
Posted By: GUEST,Liam Ohainnin Germany formely beale
05-Sep-09 - 03:30 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Cliffs of Dooneen. WHERE?
Subject: RE: Origins: Cliffs of Dooneen. WHERE?
Hallo I have a recording of my grand uncle Tom Hannon singing The cliffs Of Dooneen .Recorded on a grundig tape recorder around 1958.I am also quite sure the song was braught to Clare by him and the othe beale fishermen who were regular visitors to Kilrush,Doonaha,Carrigaholt and Kilkee .these towns were nearer to us than asdee and ballybunnion,they also went to the fairs and often to mass in clare