The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121955   Message #2716729
Posted By: GUEST,Pierre Le Chapeau. .
05-Sep-09 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: Knockholt Forever Autumn
Subject: RE: Knockholt Forever Autumn
Hi folks to answer a query from a earlier posting.
My son Gavin has decided to give this knockholt a miss. It was to be his first knockholt .
Last weekend when he came to stay with me he was asking endless questions and was
quite excited about he whole thing.

He having read this thread, phoned me up this morning and said dad I think I will give Knockholt a miss this time and go in June next year. In the stead he has decided to go to paint ball with his friends. I did not push the issue because has a 19 year old I believe he should choose what he wants to do and above all be final about it.

The people who give me a lift to knockholt are also not going which means I shall now have to travel by public transport to get to the field which can be done and done many a time before but it will not enable me to get to the field early enough to make sure the Porta loos are placed where they should be and make sure the fire is ready for lighting for the Wednesday night . I doubt I will be at the field much before 1300hrs now.

Chrissey my Polish friend wants to come on the Saturday. But I have decided I am going to pack up and leave the field before the Saturday night starts for I have to go to work on the Sunday so I must get home in order to make that arrangement
So No chrissey wont be coming.