The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118441   Message #2716817
Posted By: My guru always said
05-Sep-09 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: MGAS & Richard to Getaway 2009, advice?
Subject: RE: MGAS & Richard to Getaway 2009, advice?
Had a very nice visit from the gnome which gave me a good excuse to spend time making liver & bacon again, wonderful! We also tucked into the fab bottle of Rioja he left last Christmas which went down a treat. There's a few sips left & I'm assured by our expert that they won't last past tea-time & I suspect he could be right!

Chance, many thanks for your fabulous (though quite possibly biased) description of grits. Please don't put yourself to any trouble to prove your opinion to us, I think I'll leave the savouring of that experience for another time!

Hope no-one minds me refreshing this thread rather than intruding on the 'other stuff than programming' thread, it's just that, following Micca's visit, I'm all a-quiver with excitement *grin*

We now have bags for hand-baggage (grateful thanks to Micca), most arrangements sorted but my list of 'stuff to do' still seems huge! I might just have something interesting for the silent auction and other items are being gathered and put out ready to pack.

Oh, I am soooo looking forward to this - guess I sound like a broken record, but you don't mind that, do you?