The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123264   Message #2717278
Posted By: SharonA
06-Sep-09 - 12:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: kidnapped girl found after 18 years
Subject: RE: BS: kidnapped girl found after 18 years
Yup, lotsa fingers pointing at him at the moment. I wonder, though, what the law says about the officer's need to get a warrant to search the property when the property owner is on parole.

Perhaps we could start with the neighbors who put up with the noise of the "parties" and the trash in the yard (and the stench of the trash?) and the overgrown weeds for 18 years... or with officials who failed to enforce ordinances about noise and yard-trash. Hard to believe that so many people could look the other way for that long.

What about all those friends, customers and business associates of Garrido's who took notice of his strange behavior without thinking that perhaps the young girls in his house needed to be protected from him?

Guess it all depends on how many witches one wants to hunt.