The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123284   Message #2717898
Posted By: Tangledwood
07-Sep-09 - 05:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: My current favorite joke
Subject: RE: BS: My current favorite joke
Old Blue was a good dog who lived at the pub on the corner. He was very popular with all the regulars, always greeting them as they entered and escorting them to their favourite stool or table then quietly laying in his favourite corner until it was time to bid farewell to everybody.

After a long and happy life Old Blue passed away, much to the sadness of the publican and the clientel. They had a bit of a discussion concerning the most appropriate way to remember such a wonderful dog and decided that they would keep his tail and hang it on the wall above Blue's favourite resting place.

Old Blue made it as far as The Pearly Gates and met Saint Peter. "Ah Blue," the Saint greeted him, "We've been expecting you but where is your tail? I'm very sorry but you're not allowed into Heaven unless you're physically intact."

Blue explained where his tail had gone but Saint Peter was adamant. "Sorry Blue, you'll have to go back and get it." He instructed.

So Old Blue went back down to the pub and, considerate dog that he was, waited outside until after closing time rather than risk scaring the drinkers. When the last one had left he slipped inside and found his former master who was, as you would expect, very surprised but none-the-less very pleased to see the faithful dog.

"What are you doing here?" he asked whereupon Blue told him what Saint Peter had said and asked for his tail back.

The Publican replied. " I would love to help you of course Blue, but I can't. You know I would loose my licence if I was caught re-tailing spirits after hours."