The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123226   Message #2717960
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
07-Sep-09 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: Singing Tom Bliss Songs
Subject: RE: Singing Tom Bliss Songs
Tom, are you ready to do a Sinatra yet?

You CANNOT stop singing your songs! Great to hear others singing them, but heck, you should be singing them too.

To all you Festival Organisers out there, this man should be up there headlining your festivals!   

Yeesh, I sooo need my own festival, my own radio station...AAARRRRGHHH!

Tom, put your hands over your ears for a minute...

Talented people such as Tom should not have to give up singing their songs because they can't make a living from them, it's just not right.

He should be headlining Sidmouth and all the other major festivals, as should George Papavgeris...not in the backrooms, but on the main stages. I know talent when I see and hear it and both of these guys are swimming in it, as is Duncan McFarlane and his it's time for the Old Boys Folk Network to get new blood into its Organisers and change a few of the Headlining acts, instead of putting on the same old people, year after, yawning year...

Bring BACK Tom Bliss, and bring on George and Duncan too...
