The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121955   Message #2718184
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
07-Sep-09 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: Knockholt Forever Autumn
Subject: RE: Knockholt Forever Autumn
"Also Nettles are nice boiled has a vegtable side dish"

Yes, this I can vouch for (though the Pink Nettle Tea, sound like definitely one to do!) as my awld fella used to do the Richard Maybe thing and loved to gather Nettles to stir fry and bung in rice etceteras.

One day (so my Mam told me) the lads didn't cook 'em well enough though, and ended up with black stung tongues, stuck out all day, till the stinging cooled off! So be warned!