The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16903 Message #2719761
Posted By: Marcia Stehr
09-Sep-09 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: Indian Neck Memories
Subject: RE: Indian Neck Memories
I was at the 1961 Festival!
I have a few photos I took, some of the stage and some out the window of the Hotel. They are not great but one of these days I will scan them and put them up somewhere. Any suggestions as to where to put them would be appreciated.
I remember Danny Zemachson, Arnie Feldman, Fred Niel, Judy Collins (in the swimming pool at midnight with John "Spider" Koerner) and many others. I loved being there with the high energy and warm, loving atmosphere. It was music heaven! I'm not a musician but a huge supporter of traditional music. I can only imagine what kinds of special exchanges occurred which shaped the lives of many who were there.