The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2720649
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
10-Sep-09 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
Don....You have copied what was printed in the local newspaper.

""You must read between the lines with local newspaper reports, there are no investigative journalists employed by the Dunoon Observer and they are obliged to print what is given to them by the local authority.

They are unable to print what has really been happening at Torlochan, but suffice to say, I have seen the "business" being conducted with my own eyes......and that is a fact.

Although I cannot go into any further detail than I have provided already, everything I have said about the drug dealing, money lending and vicious intimidation is 100% true and has been witnessed at first hand.

You really are a piece of work!

You spout a losd of malicious bile, without a single shred of credible proof, and when evidence is produced of the mendacity of your stance, you come out with the above bilge. There has never been a newspaper which shies away from a really juicy scandal, and I don't expect I shall ever see the day when such exists.

You want me to blindly accept your totally unbiased (YEAH! RIGHT!)narration without question because you claim inside knowledge which you cannot reveal.

NO, MR BOND, the Official Secrets Act only applies to those with access to GENUINE classified or secret information.

PROOF, MY FRIEND! Put up or Shut up.

Don T.