The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123536   Message #2721250
Posted By: Janie
10-Sep-09 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Useful / Useless things learnt at school
Subject: RE: BS: Useful / Useless things learnt at school
While I confess I recall nothing of logarithms other than a slide rule was involved, I gotta defend the requirement for higher math classes, and a bunch of other stuff. An awful lot of that is about training the mind to think and engage in complex problem solving, and to cultivate abstract thought processes. We are now beginning to understand that it also leads to the development of many alternative neuro-pathways.

The hardwiring of the brain is profoundly influenced by the use of the brain. While much occurs in early childhood, the brain and cognitive processes continue substantial development and growth throughout childhood and into early adulthood. It continues throughout most of the life-span, and the more the brain is used, and the more ways the brain is used throughout life, the more able the brain is able to compensate for the processes involved with all dementias and other age-related cognitive changes in late life.

Which is all a long-winded way of saying that I think it benefits every young brain to be worked and challenged in all areas of cognitive functioning. Do I think all high school kids should take calculus? No. But I think school courses should challenge every kid to use their brains to their fullest capacity in all areas of cognition and integration of the various aspects of cognitive functioning, and for any child of at least average intelligence, that needs to include math beyond simple arithmetic for what it teaches about logic and reasoning. Learning and brain/cognitive development is an integrative process. Effective teaching and coordination of language arts, social studies and higher math, are very important. Classes that focus on creativity, fine motor skills, practical problem-solving and engineering, are equally important. Young brains need all of it to reach their full potential.