The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24059   Message #272153
Posted By: Bill D
05-Aug-00 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: The Daftest Inclusion in 'Folk' Music
Subject: RE: The Daftest Inclusion in 'Folk' Music
"Does nothing please you people? Will you not be happy until everyone in the world is a folk clone singing boring-ass 1000 year old tunes! I got a good quote for you all from Oasis, who I happen to really like: "F*** 'em all, and play what you want." "

...ya know, are a bright, talented guy with LOTS of knowlege about a great variety of music..more than me, for sure..but you have a real 'attitude' and you just don't LISTEN sometimes...
...I never said I wanted everyone to be like me, or like ANYONE in particular..I simply wish that you (and others) who are more eclectic in their tastes would NOT dump all the stuff in the same pot. NO MATTER WHAT YOU 'LIKE', there is still a serious difference between ELO and Bascomb Lamar Lundsford...and it IS polite to take notice of the company you are in and enquire whether or not they LIKE Druid Madrigals played in Bluegrass tempo on electric bagpipes. ( I try to be silly there, but someone has probably tried it!)....

I truly get weary of that "you old fogies have had your day...get outta the way, 'cause us young Turks are doin' COOL

What you like is not necessarily better or worse than what I like....but if I/we choose NOT to adopt it, then WHY can't we have some little island/oasis/refuge from it?

I don't go to a C&W bar and demand they listen to me sing "The Twa Corbies"..(interesting vision, huh? *grin*)...but for 20+ years I have watched pop/rock and folk/rock/ and SSW wannabes try to swarm EVERY tiny venue where people tried to keep 'some' semblance of traditional music is hijacking, pure & simple. Sometimes they just don't understand, but ususally it is just a case of .."I don't WANT to acknowlege those distinctions, as it would cramp my style and make me think before I sing"...

...and truth to tell, I don't expect my petulant grumping to make much difference, but somehow, it feels better than just quietly slinking back into the shadows when you make remarks like that quoted at the beginning of this post...."folk clones?"...not likely..."boring-ass?" ..perhaps to you, but that was a step over the line....I have NEVER called YOUR music names, only suggested that it didn't all suit me, and that it sometimes clashed with the situation..

ah, is a free forum, Max tells us...bad taste and /or judgement is as welcome as anything...