The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123580   Message #2722326
Posted By: Donuel
12-Sep-09 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: The evolution of white people
Subject: RE: BS: The evolution of white people
First of all the author of this article is white. So white that albinos feel tan in comparison. Not quite as white as the young man who portrayed 'Powder', but white enough so that the light gold eyebrows and facial hair are invisible, providing no contrast at a distance. The perfect opposite would be the darkest almost blue black African with black hair.

The Evolution of White Peoples.

The hominids known as the modern humans began their journey north a number of different times. There was no mass migration but a great number of small independent journeys that most often ended in death. For those who survived there was an overwhelming tendency toward an isolated in-breeding that magnified certain maladies while allowing for the fittest to breed a new generation.

The number of generations was over a million for some and as little as a quarter million generations for other tribes. The wide range of these isolated people who immigrated north span a range of time from half a million years to as little as 70,000 years. Basically there was not one central dispersal of people who ventured north, but countless journeys that became slightly more successful with experience and more refined communication.

The colder climate presented all the obvious deadly challenges of maintaining body heat but the level of diminishing sunshine is the key factor in the loss of pigmentation. Vitamin D production is central to bone formation and requires bright sunshine for vitamin D production. For those with less pigmentation their descendents became more successful in bone production with less light. Still the skeletal structure of these white tribes is markedly less robust than that of their African ancestors.

The European terrain provided more isolated pockets of certain in bred tribes while beyond the Caucasian Mountains the Asiatic plains allowed for more homogeny. The Neaderthalesque tribes could survive more extreme cold while other European tribes did not. What was most visibly lost over hundreds of thousands of years compared to the first Africans who began the trip north was pigmentation. This loss of pigmentation also applies to the eyes and iris colors. Blue allowed more light into the eye. The evolution of vision differences has allowed white races to see a wider light spectrum, often into the ultra violet with an over all less vibrantly perceived intensity of colors as seen by darker races.

The differences in art portrays the difference in vision. Art by darker races uses the vibrant colors which to them virtually vibrant with intensity. White race art portrays pictures as they sense color

What was gained was a tradition of warfare between the many isolated, in bred and very different appearing humans from Neanderthal, Cro Magnon and a wide rage of other pockets of tribes that had clung to survival through millennia of cold climates with low light conditions due to eruptions, impacts and massive fires.

Through the multiple generations of fighting it out and breeding it out between different tribes of light skinned people, the resulting white people had learned and inherited a deep seated tendency toward killing based on appearances that were different than the tribe while continuing to breed with domestic animals and people alike.. The more successful agrarian societies became, in breeding became less of a genetic problem.

The practice of war is universal among humans but the light skinned races due to terrain and climate may have had a percent or two more practice of hostilities between people who had obvious physical differences. The early wars of the Huns, Mongols, Chinese, Persians and Indians are legendary. Yet they are a more homogeneous gene pool to begin with.

While all races developed partly through xenophobic exclusionism and warfare, the white race has a small fraction more experience in these traits. The seeds of destruction for these slightly more racist white tribes, is in the acquired stupidity of self aggrandizement compared to the thirsty acquisition of new ways of doing things with new materials through the developments made by different races and cultures as evident in the Chinese and Japanese culture.

In modern times there are still pockets of these throw backs of the original violent, racist and stupid white tribes. One such pocket is South Carolina. They have a tendency to start civil wars they can not win, publicly attack people unlike themselves, and yell things like "YOU LIE" at the most intelligent of the human species.

Anthropologists and archeologists alike need to turn their attention to such pockets of white tribes while they are still in existence.
With policies like not caring for their people with pre existing illness or not educating those with pre existing ignorance, they will not survive much longer. Yet they are a curious window into the past that offers insight into the in bred violent cave dwellers of ice age Europe.

In the United States concentrations of these white tribes are so obvious they are distinguished by the color Red when referring to such isolated pockets. The ironic quality of these people is that they often feel and speak most vehemently of the things they do not possess such as Family Values, Godliness, Real Americanism and Patriotism.
Statistics show this group has the highest divorce rate, The virtues of Godliness are least presented in this racial group in the sense they believe and practice more modes of hate toward very specific groups than those who believe there is no God who actually commit more pious acts than the highly fundamentally religious. Finally the patriotism they claim as their own is really a blind obedience to artificial human beings called Corporations who in turn offer no obedience or reverence for the country in which they reside.

Curiously some of these white tribes seem to know about their ongoing extinction. Currently they are building museum dioramas of themselves and dinosaurs.
They call these museums, Creationism Museums. Once again we hear the typical opposite word used even in the description of their extinction monuments. Their language betrays who they are as opposed to other more advance white races. For example if you ask a primitive white "who is the President of the United States?" they will be incapable of smiling.

While this race is dangerous to themselves and others it falls upon all of us to preserve what we can and protect the world from the worst. Even Zoos recognize this need.
This is why some progressive scientists suggest that the Glen Beck Museum of Absurd History could teach school children in the future what happens to people who abandon reason, higher education and rely only upon their bassist instincts.

So as we say goodbye to these people in their sunset days who worshipped obfuscation, obstructionism, racism, opposite language, fundamentalism and in breeding …let us all wave and smile at these people who once played a part in the human genome on Earth. While many of these primitive people may never know the meaning of the word egalitarian or social morality there are many other people who may share their appearance but have evolved into human beings like the rest of multi racial multi tasking modern humanity.

Hymnal music fades as we fade to black.