The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123431   Message #2724832
Posted By: longboat (inactive)
16-Sep-09 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: What is The Tradition?
Subject: RE: What is The Tradition?
GUEST Shimrod, always have your facts, figures, names and dates correct, get your ducks all in a row, regardless of political beliefs,, before launching into arguement or debate.

The old saying many a persons grandparents may have used,
Tis better to keep your mouth closed and look like a fool, than to open your mouth and have it confirmed.

and now on to far more important things.

glueman, my take on the Topic 70th box set is that it is a history of Topic that reflects the tradition(whatever that means), rather than it being yet another set of recordings of the sources(The Voice of the People set amply fills this need.
I have my copy of Three Score & Ten: A Voice To The People on order

to quote from the book that comes with the set:

"The aims and objects of the Workers' Music Association (as published in 1944) still stand as a fair description of the ambitions of Topic Records in 2009:
- To present to the people their rich musical inheritance
- To utilise fully the stimulating power of music to inspire people
- To stimulate the composition of music appropriate to our time
- To foster and further the art of music on the principle that true art can move the people
- to work for the betterment of society

which, to my mind, says alot more than some of the political rantings you hear these days