The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79509   Message #2724906
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
16-Sep-09 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dream Interpretation
Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation

Two of the primal Creative Beings/Forces of the Universe have been captured by corrupt Earth government. They are placed on a concrete area, opposite to each other for experimentation. Huge gentle beings in chains to tiny ignorant minds.The beings look like immense elephants - like the size of a massive ship. Despite their vast size they are benign, passive creatures.

I am flying overhead, perhaps somehow a part of some struggle. I watch in dismay as the Military experimenters use some precision device to cleanly slice off the head portion of one of these immense benign creative entities. Blue fluid gushes forth. This is a terrible day.

They use the beings creative apparatus - its trunk (through which the Universe is generated) - in opposition to itself. They physically move the creative trunk to the other (also 'dead' & experimented upon) universe elephant creator being.

Their purpose is to create an "anti-creator", a purely mechanistic destructive power. They succeed. I watch in sorrow as they forge their massive prototype destructor machine out of materials harvested from these vast ancient and gentle creator beings.