The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118076   Message #2725161
Posted By: heric
16-Sep-09 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lucky to have Jimmy Carter
Subject: RE: BS: Lucky to have Jimmy Carter
Carter has the damnedest way of speaking obvious yet outrageous truths, consequences be damned.

What he said has been lurking in the recesses of my mind. But I would never have said it for so many reasons. You can't have a debate of any substance when, as is so common on mudcat, people can read your mind, so they can dismiss your words on that basis. Shouting racism at any disagreement immediately ends the discussion and probably hardens the one labeled.

How awful to contemplate that electing the first black President could be destructive to race relations, even when already we know too well that racism exists.