The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2725972
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Sep-09 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
The Canadian health care system is quite simply the most popular thing the government has ever done in this country, and has massive public support among Canadians.

Doug, I think you are missing the point in going after Barack Obama all the time. He's not the one in charge. The private insurance companies and Big Pharma lobbyists are in charge. And it has always been that way. Your president does NOT run your country, he serves as a visible face, a front man to give the public the impression that they just elected someone to lead them...but they didn't. They elected a figurehead.

You're quite right that it's difficult for ordinary people to understand the arcane details of the health care plan that Obama's administration is trying to enact.

That's because it was planned that way from the getgo. The public isn't supposed to be able to understand it, because it is a plan intended to help the health insurance companies, not the public.

Obama is talking in generalities because that is his job. He is supposed to create a general sort of impression that sounds like something good, that's all. And he is a very, very good talker, a brilliantly steady and calm speechmaker, so he's presenting it in his usual articulate (but vague) fashion...just as he is supposed to do.

The main point is that the wealthy interests who control your government through lobbying and who rob your public daily no matter which one of your two phony political parties is in power are going to continue to do so, and you are not going to get what all the other developed countries in the world who have far better health systems than you do have in place already:

a single-payer, government run health care system for all your citizens that leaves NO ONE in the country without modern and easily affordable health care.

You've been had. And I expect you will continue to be had.