The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23982   Message #272639
Posted By: p.j.
06-Aug-00 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: Breathing During Instrumental Playing
Subject: RE: Breathing During Instrumental Playing
Mark, I was at a music camp last week where I took my first didge workshop. WOW! It's as amazing to watch as it is to hear described. I want to say that you explained in a couple of simple sentences what it took our teacher the first 2 days to get us to understand. Thank you for your clear description, I plan to e-mail it to a couple of friends who took the workshop with me.

A couple of other cool didge moments I just have to share...

On day 6 we all took turns getting "didged" on a picnic table. (Shuddup 'Spaw.) Each of us took turns lying on the table with your eyes closed for about 5 min. while the other 15 or so people pointed their instruments at you (I said shaddup, Spaw) and held a note. All the students' practice didges were 36-48" long, but the teacher's was over 6' and it made the ground shake! He rested his on the table and, being a circular breathing master, kept the table rattling the whole time in one unbroken note. It was *amazing*, and after you got over the first minute or so of WEIRD, then finished being emabarrased and got used to the tickle, it became extremely relaxing. Honest, they oughta sell tickets to this like getting a massage...

The other moment was on day 8 when we got a demonstration of the sounds that can be produced when you begin with a mouth full of water. Good lord. It was like an echo chamber with dripping water coupled with the distant rumble of a basso profundo Tibetan monk. This went on for a minute or so, and I guess at some point he managed to swallow the water while circular breathing, because it was an unbroken note that carried him through the next 5-6 minutes of rhythm, intonation and amazing transic sounds. We went nuts.

Mark, according to alison you're every bit that good, maybe more-- is there anywhere we can hear/see you play?
