The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2728551
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Sep-09 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
BB - "Obama insisted this weekend on national television that requiring people to carry health insurance — and fining them if they don't — isn't the same thing as a tax increase."

Hell, BB, it's a lot worse than a tax increase! It's a blatantly obvious gift to a bunch of big profit-making health insurance companies to force the public to become their customers whether the public is willing to or not. It's graft and corruption posing as a health insurance plan.

And that is what Dennis Kucinich has been saying all along, that what the government is doing is they are playing ball with the private health insurance companies and giving THEM help, not helping the general public.

And guess why that is? Because lobbying by private industry controls your government, that's why.

You should be getting upset about that, not drifing into a petty side issue about whether to call this graft a "tax" or not.

It would be a tax if the money was going to the government...but it looks like most of the money is going to go to the private health insurers to me.

I do not for a moment believe that either the Democratic or the Republican parties are going to come to the aid of the general public in the USA, because the public is not whom they serve. They just pretend to do that. They really serve the great Oligarchy of private corporate interests who feed on your society like a bunch of bloated vultures.

All this bipartisan squabbling between Democrats and Republicans (and their naive supporters) misses the real point: that your government has been hijacked long ago and is now just a compliant tool of corporate business matter WHO wins the damned election.