The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2728729
Posted By: GUEST,BBP dropping by
22-Sep-09 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Hi All,

Sorry I was gone so long - life seems to be chugging along at a cracking pace lately. Jerry - BE CAREFUL! A suggestion that may not be over helpful - do you have a Yahoo Freecycle group in your area?. I use one all the time in the UK. The idea is that it is a "giveaway" noticeboard: Jerry, you would say that you have a tonne of sand to give away, "buyer" collects. Someone near you is probably in need of sand and / or hardcore for their own building project. You could end up with someone coming and loading up their own lorry with it for you.

If you google "Yahoo Freecycle (your home town name)", you might just get some information!. Hope it helps.

Waddon Pete - I don't know when I'll next be in your neck of the woods but I won't forget to call in for some of Jerry's Java!.

I'd best get back to work - loads to do. :-)

Now, just time to make another cup of tea first..............
