The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2729172
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Sep-09 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
You are quite right, pdq, that the Mexicans have mostly suffered because of dictatorial and corrupt rule by a tiny and rich elite over a population of peons.

However, they have also suffered much from their proximity to the USA, because the USA has waged some wars of convenience with the Mexicans, primarily for the purpose of stealing some of their best northern lands.

(The Texan war of independence was sort of an indirect case of that...but not directly attributable to actions by the US government itself...rather actions by American emigres to the area, and those actions were in some respects quite justified, I would say.)

The other wars between the USA and Mexico, however, were very much to the benefit of the USA and were due to American government policy. They resulted in Mexico losing what is now California and the American being invaded a couple of times.

Mexicans know that and they have not forgotten it.

On the other hand, they have certainly also benefited from trade with the USA over the years.

As you can see...I am, as usual, quite willing to look at both sides of the picture. It's seldom a case of either side being "all good" or "all bad" when it comes to such situations.