The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123812   Message #2729457
Posted By: skarpi
23-Sep-09 - 06:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Irish vote on Lisbon treaty looms
Subject: BS: rish vote on Lisbon treaty looms

Well Ireland , Lissabon treat = yes or no ???

Mr Barroso also used his visit to dispense reminders of a bankrupt Iceland, where "people went to the ATM machine and there was no money".

this is just not true , the Icelandic newspapers
have been checkin this out and there is no truth in his words .
he is just saying , if you dont vote for it , we will .............

but vote from your heart not from what I say or anybody else .
get all knowledge about the treat and then vote from your heart .

dont think about what is goin on here in Iceland , the IMF is
burning Iceland down , just like in any country they but their
foot on , they must be stopped . the IMF are only tools of the
big countrys like UK ; USA and eroupe EU .

50 thousands home are ruin , bankrupt .....
IMF rules the coverment , they are gonna get us a higher tax
the foot price is up , no work , the benefitsfound is empty
and there is no common sence in what the IMF are doin here , everthing is goin to stopp here , 65 % of all firms in Iceland
are bankrupt or are in a few weeks goin down , becouse there
is nothing goin on , Iceland has been put into the frost .

This is all political plots , nothing else .

dont loose your independence, your freedom , fight for it
I dont know what will happen here , but there are dark clouds
in the air .... the autumnn could go red...................

but this is the dark side , the other side the white one well
its not far away ...... at least in my mind ......

like they say in the good book AnamCara

" we are always on a journey from darkness into the light "

well good luck , all the best Skarpi Iceland .