The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4859   Message #27296
Posted By: chet w
04-May-98 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: Objectionable Material - The sequel
Subject: RE: Objectionable Material - The sequel
I don't know about everybody else, but as I tried to make clear everytime I mentioned it, I do not want government censorship. I want communities to do what we have successfully done with the Ku Klux Klan and others - marginalize hate speech and incitement to violence speech until the perpetrators of such have to hide their faces in public (as the Klan has always done). I harp upon rap because that's what my incarcerated students chant as they walk down the school halls. I never hear them do heavy metal, but I feel the same about today's heavy metal as I do about rap. I think it is enourmously immature for somebody to draw distinctions between hate speech (or art, if you like) produced by one societal group and condone it by another group. Unfortunately, CopKiller is moderate in the horror of its message. Educate yourselves! Listen to some more of this crap before you start defending it as a genre. Go somewhere and take a look at where its effects are directly being felt. Talk to the parents of the kids who are making these "artists" rich. They (the parents) don't like it, they don't relate to it, it is not a part of their culture. It is a money-making machine taking advantage of the misery of others. As is, I'm afraid, much of the juvenile justice system. Again, if Hitler (to use an extreme example) could have gotten himself a social worker like the ones we have where I work, he would today be remembered as the primary victim of World War II.

Much more to say, Chet W.